Back to Work: The return to work is coming and new uses come with it. | AME

Back to Work: The return to work is coming and new uses come with it.

It comes as no great surprise to say that the world has been turned upside down by recent events, forcing some companies to change the work habits of their employees.

作者 AME


Worldwide industries mobilized very quickly to provide adequate equipment allowing companies to offer security solutions. Ateliers AME has participated in this joint effort by offering new solutions. First through collaborations with local companies to create Safety Kits, but also through international collaborations with the development of protective masks with high precision know-how.

It is therefore quite natural that the famous “Back to Work” also had to adapt to new business needs.

Always in this desire to support our customers as close as possible, we invite you to discover our solutions for the start of the 2020 school year.



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