In those extreme time, AME's teams, remain driven by the values of service and community. | AME

In those extreme time, AME's teams, remain driven by the values of service and community.

作者 AME


The world is currently enduring an extreme and fearful time.
Who could have imagined even a few weeks ago that today we’d be experiencing totally disrupted personal and professional lives?

In this complicated moment, we think of all those who fight the disease, against its spread, and also to all citizens who continue their professional activities for the common good and in often tenuous circumstances.

The situation is difficult: the economy has suffered, life is suspended, borders shut tight, and uncertainty backs us well outside our comfort zones.
The AME teams, driven by the values of service and community, remain mobilized, in safety, in order to continue fulfilling their missions.
We try to help our customers cope with adversity. Dodging obstacles, advancing with determination, this is our vision of a good partner.

Wherever you are, please faithfully heed the instructions given to you; everyone's health and safety are top priorities.
Take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

— Antoine Mérien
