How good packaging on social media influences purchasing decisions. | AME
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How good packaging on social media influences purchasing decisions.

We can no longer deny the increasingly important role of social networks in the purchasing decisions of consumers. Some brands go so far as to design their “packaging” according to social media and more precisely to these “influencers” who have become essential in the act of purchase, sometimes with thousands, even millions of subscribers who trust their opinions.

Written by AME


To understand what these “super-celebrities” of social platforms are looking for in the packaging of the products they recommend, it is important to explain why “packaging” and social media go hand in hand among modern consumers. Packaging has become a must-have because it’s the first thing you see when you’re on social media. This is the first point of contact between the brand and its audience.

In order to best perfect the famous “unboxing experience”, there are a number of key factors to achieve for successful packaging.

Simple – When it comes to social media aesthetics, influencers have agreed one thing clear: Simple is Better.
Functional – Although the packaging may appear beautiful and initially catch the consumer’s attention if it is not functional, it will lose its appeal.
Reusable – Another feature that influencers believe can make packaging more memorable is its reusability. One of the best-known examples remains the Diptyque’s candles or Hermès boxes.
Personalized – Personalized packaging seems particularly appealing when looking at the number of likes and shares because it can make the consumer feel “special”.
The unboxing experience – Surely the most sought-after criterion today, the ideal packaging should be “experiential”. “It must be complementary and enhance the product”, “They go hand in hand. ”

While brands should focus on making a high-quality product, the importance of packaging is a key piece of the overall marketing puzzle, and should by no means be overlooked.

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