MAC Cosmetics: A Unique Packaging Dedicated to Online Sales | AME
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MAC Cosmetics: A Unique Packaging Dedicated to Online Sales

The events of 2020 have accelerated the digitalization of many retail brands that have found themselves in the need of marketing their products online directly to their consumers. With this acceleration comes an increased need for novelty and to reinvent itself in order to retain the attention of customers. With this in mind, AME has imagined a special packaging for MAC and its consumers.

Written by AME


It goes without saying that 2020 is an extraordinary year. Uses were challenged and the needs of consumers who were still very present in stores turned massively to the internet, accelerating the digitalization of brands to be able to respond to this new demand.

Digital indeed allows brands to stay connected and sell their products directly to consumers without the need for them to come to the store. Due to the fact of relegating the visit to the store to an online visit, brands have a constant need to be able to communicate their new products and renew their offer in order to maintain the interest of their consumers. To do so, they use contests, launches of limited-time collections, emails, and promotions. The event that normally shakes physical stores, Black Friday this year will be exclusively online, and with the financial state of the many households will be those to seek to take advantage of it.

It is with this in mind that we have collaborated with MAC Cosmetics brand to provide their customers with an unforgettable experience through the packaging of their products. We have reworked these to include them in the space of time with flashy colors, and chrome finishes that will make them a collector’s item for consumers but also and above all a memory to share on social networks to build loyal consumers and attract new ones!

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